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Soldotna United Methodist Church

158 South Binkley Street

About Us

Soldotna United Methodist worships weekly at 10:00 A. M. on Sunday Morning. Services usually last until about 11:15.   Child care is provided for preschool children. After the children’s time in worship, school age children are given an option to join in a time of Christian Education of their own. It is a service with liturgy (responsive readings, prayers, and hymns) with a sermon given by the pastor or a guest speaker. It is preceded and followed by a time of fellowship in the Fellowship Hall where coffee, juice, and snacks are served and people have an opportunity to sit and visit.

We also serve a meal on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 P. M. which is open to anyone who would like to come and eat. There is no other agenda than to provide a place to eat and visit with other folks.

There is an Adult Sunday class which meets at 9:00 A. M. in the library, and many other activities during the week. Please go to the calendar page to see all the church activities.

Many organizations use our facility either for weekly meetings such as Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, and A.A. or for occasional meetings or events.

Many of our members are active throughout the community in volunteer organizations in addition to the ministries that the church supports directly. We make and serve breakfast at the Kenai Alternative High School twice a week. We are involved in a variety of ministries to those in prison as well as ex-offenders. We have hosted an “Alpha” course in the past..which provides a place for people who are fearful of the church to come and talk about their faith in a safe environment.
