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City of Wymore

115 West East Street

In the the crossroads of section lines five miles south of Wymore is Bethel Cemetery where the Bethel Welsh Church built in 1879 stood until1960. This church became a hub for Welsh immigrants that made the area their home. It reminded the immigrants of their homeland with the rolling hills and the Blue River. The settlement was located on both sides of Highway 77, joining on the east the Otoe Indian reservation; on the north by Blue Springs and extended three miles both south and west.

Wymore began its history on May 21, 1881, the date when the plat was recorded at the Gage County Courthouse. It was the production of the Burlington and Missouri Railroad for the purpose of building a cross-country line between Kansas City, Missouri and Denver, Colorado. They needed a junction center in Southern Nebraska so they could connect the Lincoln- Beatrice line with the new one. The difficulty was in finding the needed land.

Sam Wymore, a pioneer farmer who owned a large section of land, knew about the project. He offered the Company his land if they would start a town and name it Wymore. As this land was just south of Blue Springs where the B&M Company was trying to get a location, they accepted the proposition at once. In very few weeks, the town of Wymore was born. The B&M Company soon had a depot, round house, lunch room, machine shops, and many railroad tracks that were built in all directions.

The town of Wymore grew fast, as so many men came to work on the railroad. They needed places to live, eat and enjoy life. Homes, business houses, churches, schools and other necessary places for a community to grow appeared if by magic. During the first sixty days many such places were started and finished. At the end of the first nine months, the population of Wymore reached 1,700. In less than two years it had reached 2,000. Today, the population is 1,656.