
School of Visual Concepts News - July 12, 2023

Schools and Libraries

July 13, 2023

From: School of Visual Concepts

Is this really a good time to prepare for a career in UX design?

FREE: SVC Certificate Program Info Session
Tuesday, 7/18, 6:00p - 7:00p PDT
Presenter: Larry Asher, Director, SVC

You’d think with all the news about tech layoffs this would be exactly the wrong time to do a career pivot. But here’s an interesting take: The number of entry-level jobs posted on LinkedIn as a percentage of all job openings has never been higher. Does this mean companies are preferring less experienced, less expensive designers vs. higher-salaried veterans? Yes, it does. So if you’d like to find out about how you can transition into UX design via an SVC certificate program, we’d love to tell you more at an upcoming online info session.

Sign Up for Free Info Session