
Mandel Public Library Of West Palm Beach News - December 28, 2023

Schools and Libraries

December 29, 2023

From: West Palm Beach Public Library

That's a wrap!

As we enjoy the final days of 2023, we're taking time to reflect on another amazing year at the library. Thank you to all those who attended programs, checked out materials, and participated in our reading challenges!

Our library is a special place for so many in our community, and that's made possible by the continued support of patrons like you. Thank you for loving the library as much as we do. Don't miss all that we have planned for you in 2024!

Upcoming Programs

What's New

ISO Pokémon

On Monday, January 8, drop by TeenSource for a great day of games, card trading, and all things Pokémon with fellow trainers! Share your favorites, engage in a little friendly competition, and strengthen your Pokémon knowledge. This is a drop-in program, so no pressure and no registration required.

Learn more

Staff Picks Book Club

On Tuesday, January 9, come discuss the club's next featured book while enjoying your lunch with fellow readers  we'll provide the drinks! This January, the club is reading The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner, which you can find in our digital library or here on the shelf. Call us to see if it's available!

Learn more

On Saturday, January 13, come watch this major motion picture directed by Christopher Nolan right here at the library! This film is set during World War II and follows the story of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer who worked on a top-secret project with a team of scientists to develop and design the atomic bomb. This event drastically changed the course of history.

Learn more 

Photo Editing Made Easy Class Series
Beginning on Saturday, January 13, attend the first of three classes that will teach you the basics of photo editing. You'll learn how to manipulate lighting and use specific tools and techniques to get your photos looking their absolute best. This is an immersive, hands-on course, and participants are encouraged to take all three classes in order.

Register now

Did you know?
You have access to a world of knowledge with your library card! Start exploring Kanopy's Great Courses Library Collection online or check out the DVDs on the first floor! You can find videos on art, healthy living, science and technology, learning new languages, and more.

Browse the collection!

Download Events Brochure

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