
City Of Sugar Creek - Friday In The Creek - July 8, 2022

Government and Politics

July 9, 2022

From: City of Sugar Creek

Next Council Meeting July 11, 2022
Council Chambers 6:00 PM
Live & ZOOM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 7264 2961
Passcode: 423654

Community Pot Luck
Next Pot Luck
July 12
Smoked Chicken

Mike Onka Hall

Go Sugar Creek

Need An Outdoor Project Done?
Can't Do It Yourself?
On A Fixed Budget And Can't Afford
To Pay For The Repairs Yourself?

Look Into The Go Sugar Program!

Pick Up A Form
At The City Hall Lobby.
Fill It Out.
Return It To The Receptionist
At City Hall
Or Call The Number On The Form.

Need A Mask?

Next time you are at City Hall during business hours, ask for a free packet of 10 masks.

Covid Information

Please visit:

to see all dates, information or to register for a test or a vaccine.

Vaccinations provided by Jackson County Health Department.

July Republic Trash And Yardwaste Pickup
Saturday 7/9

July Pickups Will Be:
7/9, Saturday
7/17, Friday
7/24, Friday
It's too hot to heat up the oven.
It's too hot to grill - you might not even have to fire up the grill.

Celebrate this heat wave by dining at your favorite Sugar Creek Restaurant or order take out.


Kema's Bakery       816-886-6536          
Kross's                  816-254-9494
Nena's                   816-217-6745
Peking Express      11330 E. US 24 Hiway
Sugar Inn              816-461-0078
Sterling Bowl        816-252-2111
Taco Bell             11120 E. US 24 Hiway  

National Days In July
July 8th
National Video Game Day

National Chocolate with Almonds Day
National Blueberry Day
National Freezer Pop Day

Community Garden

The Garden is sold out.
Thank you to all who are renting space and thank you to those volunteers who are cutting grass and maintaining the weeds.
Keep the good work on your beautiful garden.

Vacation Jokes!

Q:   Why do travelers think hills are the funniest places to go?
A:    Because they are HILL AREAS.

Q:   Why did the old lady fall in the well?
A:   Because she didn't see that well!

A couple on vacation make an emergency stop at the dentist.
Wife: I need a tooth pulled.
I am in a hurry so I don't want any Novocain.
Dentist: I am impressed. I consider you to be a very brave woman. Which tooth is it?
Wife: Turning to her husband says,
"Honey, be a dear and show the nice man which tooth!"

Q:  What goes through towns, up hills, and down hills but never moves?
(Look for the answer in the last section.)

July Activities

July 6
8:00 AM Walking Club
5:30 PM            Zumba
6:30 PM Music Bingo

July 7
10:30 AM Zumba Gold

July 8
8:00 AM Walking Club

July 11
8:00 AM Walking Club
5:30 PM            Zumba

July 12
12:00 PM      Community Pot Luck

July 13
8:00 AM Walking Club
5:30 PM            Zumba
6:30 PM      Eye for Tie Dye
Mike Onka Hall

July 14
10:30 AM      Chair Chi

July 15
8:00 AM Walking Club
10:00 AM Day Trippers River Market Round trip -
Park At Police Station

July 16
10:00 AM      Bob Ross Oil Painting
Police Training Room

A: The road!