
City of Seymour's Weekly Beat - December 5, 2022

Government and Politics

December 6, 2022

From: City of Seymour

The City of Seymour’s Weekly Beat!
Downtown Christmas Decorations
The City of Seymour Electric and Street Department teamed up to put up the Christmas Banners and Angels downtown and on North Main Street. The City Hall has also been decorated for Christmas along with the Sound Garden. Both look amazing and welcoming to our community.

The City of Seymour provides the opportunity for anyone to donate to our Downtown Christmas Light Fund. The angels and banners downtown are beginning to age out and need being replaced in the next few years. If you would like to donate let it be known on your electric bill or contact the front office clerk Nita Hons at (940) 889-0023.

Mulching Begins at Transfer Station

The City of Seymour Council approved the mulching of the city’s brush pile by Thenlin Recycling Company from Fort Worth Texas at the transfer station during the November Council Meeting. The total cost of the project is $25,000.00 to mulch the pile that has grown to approximately one-hundred feet long, nine feet tall and ten feet wide.

Now that the pile has been mulched the mulch will be transported to another location and spread out so that it can deteriorate back into the ground. The overall operating budget for the transfer station is $672,094.00.

Dirt Work at the Salt Fork Rec-Plex
Todd Hrncirik with Salt Fork has worked extremely hard over the last four months to rehabilitate the large pond that supplies water to the golf course. Due to the drought the water level has dropped low enough allowing Mr. Hrncirik to repair the dam due to the years of erosion.

Department Reports
Our Vision
Our vision is that Seymour will continue its legacy as a friendly, outgoing community embracing its natural beauty while providing a safe, peaceful, and progressive environment to live, work and play. Its spirit of community and small-town charm will be enjoyed by a strong and active multi-generational population.

The Street Department as reported by Supervisor Shawn Sanchez had a productive week. The department moved sand to refill their stockpile at the Street Department office. Assisted Salt Fork in repairing the stock tank dam that has eroded over the years. They also filled potholes and assisted with putting up Christmas Lights around town. This Friday was Shawn Sanchez’s last day as Street Supervisor. Beginning on Monday December 5th Mr. Sanchez will be reassigned to the golf course and Mr. Ronnie Kolacek will begin as the new Street Department Supervisor.

City of Seymour Police Department reported that the department served a felony search warrant, arrested the individual, investigated a felony theft case, and enforced traffic during the Thanksgiving Holiday.

The Water Department supervisor Chase Hoyt and company set up a water tap on North Powers Street, dosed lift stations and manholes with a TCEQ approved chemical to improve flow of the sewer lines. Accepted a bid to receive an updated inline pump station to improve reliability of the pump. This will allow the pump to shut on and off correctly and eliminating issues in the system. The Water Department also set in place an insulated cover at the bottom of the water tower and ordered an engine for the backhoe to that it can be put placed back in service.

The City of Seymour Electric Department under the supervision of Anthony Arjes hung angels on the light poles downtown and along Main Street, hung service at a residence on West California, and fixed a neutral on a service at a residence on West Idaho. The Electric Department also fixed a jumper from a transformer cutout to a primary line and fixed a jumper

Over the course of the last week, the Reverse Osmosis Plant under the supervision of John Davis produced 3.8 million gallons of treated water that was distributed to the City of Seymour and Baylor County Special Utility District. During the week plant operators monitored the chlorine levels at points throughout the distribution system, monitored the amount of wastewater discharged from the plant, changed the filters on one of the primary RO units, collected the monthly water samples that check for microbial contaminants in our water supply and completed the end of the month reports for TCEQ.

Over the course of the last week, the Reverse Osmosis Plant under the supervision of John Davis produced 3.8 million gallons of treated water that was distributed to the City of Seymour and Baylor County Special Utility District. During the week plant operators monitored the chlorine levels at points throughout the distribution system, monitored the amount of wastewater discharged from the plant, changed the filters on one of the primary RO units, collected the monthly water samples that check for microbial contaminants in our water supply and completed the end of the month reports for TCEQ.

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