
City of Seymour Weekly Beat - January 9, 2023

Government and Politics

January 10, 2023

From: City of Seymour

The City of Seymour’s Weekly Beat!

Transfer Station Updates to be Completed
The concrete pour for the new rolling floor was completed on Tuesday January 3rd, 2023. The transfer station is scheduled to be open on Tuesday January 10th, 2023, at 9:00 AM. Normal business hours will resume. The City of Seymour says thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to complete the project.

Water Leak Repairs

Water Department Supervisor Chase Hoyt and John Smajstrla discuss their strategy for exposing a water line on the Lubbock highway so they can repair a water leak.

Salt Fork Equipment Rehab

Salt Fork Supervisor Todd Hrncirik and Shawn Sanchez rehabilitate and service the mowing equipment in preparation for the Spring rains and green grass.

City Park Control Burn at Creek

The Street, Electric, and Salt Fork Departments teamed up to perform a control burn to clean up the creek at the Seymour Park. Fireman Todd Hrncrik and Anthony Arjes were both on sight to ensure the fire was under control and the weather conditions were optimal.

Department Reports

The Street Department as reported by Supervisor Ronnie Kolacek spent time this week repairing streets that were cut from the water-line project. The cut areas were cleaned and packed with new asphalt being laid in these areas. The SD also did a control burn in the park, cleaned curbs in town, and supervisor Kolacek spent time setting up and interviewing candidates for the open position in the Street Department.

City of Seymour Police Chief Mike Griffin reported the department submitted the end of year reports to the State of Texas. The Chief of Police is in the process of hiring a fourth officer to the Seymour Police Department. The Chief also reported that the department has investigated a narcotic investigation and mediated a family dispute this week.

The Water Department supervisor Chase Hoyt and company repaired water leaks in numerous locations this week. The Water Department repaired a leak on the Lubbock Highway, two leaks on East McLain Street, and on Weiss Street. The Water Department rodded a sewer main on China and May Street and replaced a bearing at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The City of Seymour Electric Department under the supervision of Anthony Arjes and company began the week performing their weekly vehicle maintenance checks on their vehicle fleet. As part of the Electric Departments standard operating procedures, they performed weekly readings of reclosures and locates for customers. The department took down the Christmas banners, troubleshot an electrical issue for a residence on the 300 block of North Stratton, changed out a transformer in the alley between the 200 block of North Stratton and North Browning, and took down electric outlet bands at the park that were used for the Christmas decorations. The department also installed two junction boxes, with new wires, and a new light for the Salt Fork Recreational sign and began running a new wire for a hot water heater for the Salt Fork Workshop.

Over the course of the last week, the Reverse Osmosis Plant under the supervision of John Davis produced 3.8 million gallons of treated water that was distributed to the City of Seymour and Baylor County Special Utility District. During the week plant operators monitored the chlorine levels at points throughout the distribution system, monitored the amount of wastewater discharged from the plant, took daily readings on the primary RO units, and completed the monthly reports required by TCEQ.

Rainbow Trout Delivered to Salt Fork

The Texas Parks and Wildlife on Thursday delivered one hundred Rainbow Trout to the Salt Fork Recreational Facility ponds. The Rainbow Trout are eight inches to nine inches in length. They are brought in from out of state to the fish hatchery at Possum Kingdom. From Possum Kingdom the trout are delivered to the Salt Fork Recreational Complex ponds. On February 2nd, 2023, there will be an additional delivery of one hundred Rainbow Trout. The City of Seymour will host a children’s fishing tournament on June 24th, 2023, at 9:00 AM. For community members who wish to fish at Salt Fork can go by City Hall during regular business hours and purchase a fishing permit for $10.00..

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