
City of Sedalia E-Newsletter - November 2022

Government and Politics

November 11, 2022

From: City of Sedalia

November has several holidays/events that you may or may not be aware of, so take a look at a few special holidays/days for the month!

No-Shave November is a tradition that began in 2009 by the Matthew Hill family in Chicago to raise awareness for cancer; after their father had passed away in November of 2007 from the disease. As many cancer patients lose their hair during treatment this cause focuses on and draws attention to hair as most cancer patients lose their hair during treatment. During the month you donate the cost of your monthly grooming whether it’s foregoing that salon trip or just the cost of the months razors and hair care products or donate to someone participating in the event. The organization supports research, cure, education, and prevention. According to the CDC, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Every year 1.7 million people are diagnosed with cancer and 600,000 people will die from cancer each year.

Veterans Day is November 11th and was originally named Armistice Day. WWI officially ended on June 28, 1919 with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles; however, the fighting ended the 11th month of the 11th day at the 11th hour. In 1938 it officially became a holiday that was set aside to honor veterans of WWI. However, with other wars that
followed Congress decided on June 1, 1954 to change “Armistice” to “Veterans” a day that would honor veterans from all wars.

Then of course there’s Thanksgiving, a holiday that dates back to the 1600’s! A day to remember to be thankful for all that we have and all those that we hold near and dear to our hearts.

Here are a few others that you may choose to celebrate:

November 3rd – Men Make Dinner Day
November 14th – World Kindness Day
November 15th – Clean Your
Refrigerator Day (This might be handy with Thanksgiving a week away!) November 25th – Buy Nothing Day which coincidently is the same day as Black Friday!!
November 26th – Small Business Saturday
November 30th – Stay at Home Because
You Are Well Day
Enjoy the month, no matter what holidays you choose to celebrate!

The City of Sedalia partnered with The Liberty Center Association for the Arts, Sedalia Ghosts and Paranormal, and VFW Post 2591 to host the Downtown Sedalia Spirit Walk on Saturday, October 15th! A little bit of history and a little bit of mystery was combined for this fun-filled event. Walkers were able to start the evening off with Edgar Allen Poe, “Night of Poe,” readings at the Liberty Center before heading out on their walk downtown. A fun night was had by both walkers and volunteers!

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